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Radio Ambiance Fm 96.3 Radio en direct

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Radio Ambiance Fm 96.3 is a popular Haitian radio station located in Mirebalais, Haiti. The station is widely recognized for its diverse programming, including news, music, sports, and cultural shows. Broadcasting primarily in French and Creole, the station caters to a wide audience from the local community and surrounding regions.

Radio Ambiance Fm 96.3 has a daily schedule filled with various programs that meet the listeners' needs at different times of the day. It starts with the morning show, which runs from 5 am to 9 am, featuring news, music, and interviews. The midday show starts at noon and runs until 2 pm, featuring music and cultural programs. In the afternoon, a variety of programs run from 2 pm to 6 pm, including sports, talk shows, and music.

Additionally, Radio Ambiance Fm 96.3 is available online through its website, http://www.ambiancefm.com, enabling Haitians worldwide to listen to its broadcasts. Overall, the station's dedication to quality programming, community involvement, and entertaining content makes it a top choice for radio listeners in Mirebalais, Haiti.
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